Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Scans of handprints. Photos taken on Mamiya ProTL 645 using Ilford Delta 3200. Taken in available light.


Scans of handprints. Photos taken on Mamiya ProTL 645 using Ilford Delta 3200. Taken in available light.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

One from the archive

Here's a pic of the lighthouse at Castepoint which I took around 16 months ago. It's a rough scan of a hand print. When I'm in the darkroom next I intend reprinting as this has a few dust spots etc.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Project update

Ok, here's a few rough scans (I am yet to manipulate any of these images in the darkroom) for my new series: Driving forward, looking back : Seeing ahead, shooting blind.

This gives a general idea of what I am trying to achieve. I feel I still have work to do to really define the results I want and if I am to be honest this is a project that will continue to evolve not over months but years.

But it's great fun, a challenge (driving and taking the un-composed shots simultaneously) and exciting reviewing the results.

Pics taken on Nikon F65 with Ilford Delta 3200.

A family shot

The following pic is from a session taking shots of Ewen, Lynda & Matt. It best captures what I wanted to portray of this part of the Livingstone Clan. In saying that I intend on reshooting the series as during this session I only had 4 minutes with Matt before he had to leave.

Pic taken on Mamiya ProTl 645 80mm lens using Ilford HP5 400