Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The ways of digital - part two

As a follow up to this past post here are a few more images from the series. Since the first post I've spent quite some time thinking over the whole issue of going digital. I'm very aware of the long term archiving issues and they are well documented in all forms of media, but with the trip approaching I can definately see a lot of benefits to embracing the digital world.

However, and it is a big however I don't see how digital fits into my photographic style and extensive use of black and white. Certainly this is one are in which film beats digital hands down. An opinion shared by many (including digital users).

So there is an interesting internal battle being played out in my head on whether to purchase a digital camera. The easy money is on me giving in and purchasing a Nikon D70 or possibly the about to be released D80. Would be great to be able to afford a Nikon D200. One day maybe, one day.

A digital would be a great way to explore London and develope my love of photojournalism and street photography. But I still have a hankering for film and infact am keen to discover what medium format cameras (6x7 & 6x9) I can uncover in London. Now if I had to choose between a digital or say a 6x9, the 6x9 might just win if the price was the same. If either one was a bargain then I'd guess I'd just have to get both.

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