Thursday, June 09, 2005

Creative Obstacles

Ok here's my 2 cents worth.

Rick, for me, impact is about strength. Ensuring the person viewing your work is hit between the eyes with the message you are trying to convey. How do we/I do that? Well my theory is to strip away any unnecessary elements. Keep it simple and don't over think it. Get to understand exactly what you are trying to convey then try and invoke that response from the viewer. Don't tell them, make them experience it. So think about what emotional triggers your work should include to solicit the response you want to achieve. As Antonia said - Soft/hard, focussed/blurry, b&w/colour composition etc.

Bruce - I guess a lot of it depends on how you define originality. Is it capturing an image that no one else has ever taken or it is taking a concept or subject that has been used before and turning it on it's head and having an alternative take on it? It can be both. If you get a response of "I've never looked at that like that before" isn't that being original as well. So interpretation is just as important if not more than the subject. I've seen images that I've liked but have thought of alternative ways of shooting the subject.

Antonia, time is always a issue in life. We lead such frantic lifestyles. Sometimes it is necessary to purposely make an appointment with yourself to do something creative. After a while you find that you don't have to make such a conscious effort to do so as it becomes a habit. But does it have to happen in such a rigid manner? Probably not. But initially we do have to make that effort. I don't believe creativity is something you switch on or off, but what is important is to discover the triggers that prompt you to be creative. I think we're all more creative than what we credit ourselves to be. Take 10 mins and sit down and make a list of the times/places you feel your at your creative best. See what you come up with.

For me, well my obstacle for my creative piece is to get out and into the environment to take my pics. I need to go into bars/cafes at night and take pictures of people for my drinking/reality TV concept. To be honest I'm not 100% comfortable doing this. Has anyone else done this before? I feel very conspicuous going out and taking these shots. Enough of my ramblings and back to the coal face. Peter

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